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PhD in International Human Resources Management

I validated my PhD in management sciences in January 2024. Currently a Permanent Research & Teaching Assistant in OMNES Education, INSEEC Grande Ecole in Lyon, France, since last September 2023. I am looking for co-authors on my ongoing publication projects, or would gladly join new research teams interested to work on HR topics related to employee empowerment practices & HR tech tools, Quality of Work Life, engagement, commitment at work.


Research Interests

  • Human Resources Management practices in intermediate-sized multinationals

  • Interpretative studies & Critical Management Studies

  • Empowerment process in international growth context

  • e-HRM - HR tech tools such as Quality of Work Life and engagement assessment tools, with an employee empowerment lens - acceptability & adoption of such tools


Au travail


L. Denis, H. Beddi, M. Valax : "How can family firms cope with growth – Contribution to accelerationism ", Published in June (2021), Journal of Organizational Change Management (Ranking : 3, FNEGE)

L. Denis "Analyse des processus d'empowerment des talents en contexte de développement international : Le cas des Entreprises de Taille Intermédiaire", Monographic doctoral thesis, defended in January 11th, 2024

L. Denis (co-author?) “Empowerment process to sustain Global Talents commitment in Medium-sized Organizations (MSO)”, Communication accepted to the EIASM conference, 4-5 Oct., 2021, updated communication accepted to ATLAS-AFMI conference, May 2024, Project in progress

To be submitted for publication in the International Journal of Human Resources Management (Rank II, FNEGE 2019) by mid-July 2024

L. Denis (co-author?)  "Agile management as a logic for retaining managerial talent to support international growth: A case-study of Esker, a micro-multinational in the digital sector - interpretative epistemological framework", Pedagogical case study project, for 2024

Research interests
Monographic doctoral thesis

Key research verbatim

“It's an alignment between the country managers, it's really this cohesion, this good understanding between us which enables us to hold up for the moment. Because the size is still manageable."


"My manager provides me with the opportunity to express myself and gives me a wide enough field to move around and find both pleasure and adrenaline. This space of freedom is for me a Gas Theory: Here, each individual is a gas that can occupy all the space it wants. The space will only be constrained by the space of the people next to them. It is a strength of the company to allow this, it is a feature of its culture."


 "The company director has the freedom to choose the surface of his cell and the diameter of the bars. We are constantly surrounded by financial obligations, but we still have a certain amount of autonomy in our decisions. I prefer to be what I am (AN ENTREPRENEUR-CEO), rather than a senior manager who can be fired in ten minutes for not REACHING HIS/HER GOALS. Our values are that we do not make staff an adjustment variable. [...] Our social role is to stabilise people in the society around us. These values characterise us in comparison with companies that are much bigger than us, and this economic financiarisation that has invaded everything."


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